Many thanks for the hospitality of Tony Vani and Carol Pheeny of the Belleville Downtown Blues Festival.
We had a great time playing for friends of the blues at the Belleville Club last night!
Special thanks to Charles Geen who brought us some dirt from the True Crossroads the corner of
Lusk and Walker 1/2 a mile from Dockery Farms in Mississippi
#BellevilleDowntownBluesFestival #BluesMusic #Grateful #Hospitality #TonyVani #CarolPheeny #BellevilleClub #FriendsOfTheBlues #LiveMusic #BluesCommunity #CharlesGeen #TrueCrossroads #DockeryFarms #MississippiBlues #BluesHistory #MusicLovers #GigLife #BluesFestival #Thankful #BluesVibes